International Partnerships

International partnership

International partners actively participate in the activities of the Vinifera MSc

The Importance of International Partnerships in MSc Vinifera

The MSc Vinifera program’s success is deeply rooted in its diverse network of international partnerships. These collaborations are essential in providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the global wine industry.

Benefits of Global Collaboration in Vine and Wine Sciences

Through international partnerships, MSc Vinifera students gain access to a wealth of knowledge, innovative research, and industry expertise. The program fosters a multicultural learning environment, preparing graduates for successful global careers.

Key Academic Partners in the MSc Vinifera Program

The EMaVE Consortium has established strong ties with leading universities and research institutions worldwide. These academic partnerships ensure that students receive high-quality education and research opportunities in vine and wine sciences.

In July 2024, a delegation from the EMaVE consortium will visit Oregon State University, USA, to renew its partnership agreement in research and education.
Every year,  2 US students from the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences would be lucky to join the Vinifera programme for one semester in the framework of their studies. In the same time, 2 M2 Vinifera students will do their master thesis in vine or wine sciences hosted by one OSU research lab at Corvallis, Oregon.

Partnership 2020-27: Vinifera strengthens its partnership in South Africa

The Erasmus+ Agency has officially recognised with high relevance the creation of the consortium of four partners:
Montpellier SupAgro School (IHEV),
– University of Montpellier (Faculty of Pharmacy),
INRAE (experimental unit of Pech Rouge)
Lallemand company
Our project is to create a sustainable space of cooperation between French and South African higher education and research institutions in the field of vine and wine sciences.